Residential Tile Roof Service

residential shake tile roof installation

JH3 Company is a full service, licensed roofing company offering tile roof services for any residential customer in Ventura County, Santa Barbara County and Los Angeles County.

We are certified and insured to install, replace, recover or repair the following types of tile roofing systems. Each style is available in a wide range of manufacturer colors, textures, profiles, grades, shapes, widths or blends.


Natural Concrete Roof Tiles

Auburn, Boral, Eagle, Monier


Natural Clay Roof Tiles

Boral, Redlands, MCA


Natural Slate Roof Tiles

US Slate Company, American Slate

synthetic shake

Synthetic Shake Roof Tiles

DaVinci Roofscapes, Inspire

synthetic slate

Synthetic Slate Roof Tiles

DaVinci Roofscapes, Inspire

Our division of roofing experts works with homeowners to choose the best roof tile system for enhancing the exterior architecture of houses. Plus, we can also install, replace and remove skylights and sun tunnels on any tile roof.

Portfolio of Tile Roof Installation Projects


Before vs After

Before Installing Asphalt Shingles
After Installing Asphalt Shingles

(slide button left or right to compare before vs after)

Tile Roof Replacement (Re-Roof), Tile Lift (Tile Relay) or Tile Roof Tune-Up

Every tile roof has a life cycle. Over time, the roof tiles can split or crack. Some may break away and leave remnant pieces in the valleys, gutters or downspouts. This promotes debris build up and can lead to premature failure. When this begins occurring on a frequent basis, you need to consider the option of a tile roof replacement, tile lift or roof tune-up.

  • A re-roof is more costly, but you’ll have the choice of new colors, designs and be covered under the new manufacturer’s warranty. Sometimes a roof replacement is the only option when the existing roof tiles are damaged beyond re-use. For example, it may no longer have sufficient wind uplift resistance, or it’s in violation of building or fire code regulations. Such instances require complete tear-off and disposal of existing tiles.
  • A tile lift (tile relay) is less expensive than a roof replacement (re-roof). We can save and re-use the existing concrete or clay tiles while installing all new underlayment and sheet metal. The underlayment and sheet metal are the crucial components that make your roof watertight. There are many factors that can lead to underlayment failure. If your roof tiles are in good shape, then a complete tile lift is a possibility. Another advantage to tile lifts is the work can be completed in sections over a period of years; therefore, allowing you to budget your roof expense.
  • A tile roof tune-up is essential for cleaning and maintaining your roof. A scheduled tune-up can save you thousands of dollars on roof repair damage. A maintenance program is proactive rather than reactive so we can identify problems at their early stages. For example, if you have trees around your home, heavy debris can accumulate and cause premature failure. By having a scheduled roof tune-up and maintenance agreement, we can work together to get the most life out of your roof.

So how do you know if your existing tile roof is a candidate for replacement, tile lift or tune-up?

An estimator from JH3 Company’s roofing division can perform a comprehensive survey of your tile roof and provide the best solution that meets your budgetary requirements, energy concerns and aesthetic priorities.

We Can Help

If you’re concerned about the condition of your tile roof, or researching the pros and cons of re-roofing with tile and want to know your options, select your county location below to get started.

At JH3, our highly trained roofing specialists are dedicated to helping you make the best decision. We offer tile roof replacements, tile lifts, roof tune-ups, as well as repairs.

JH3 Company is fully licensed and insured.

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